Accolade Wines is answering grower questions directly

New General Manager of CCW Cooperative Peter Szabo has been in the media recently stating there is a lack of clarity of Accolade’s proposal to its growers. Yet he is impeding on Accolade’s ability to talk to growers.

That’s why following the launch of its proposal website,, Accolade Wines is appealing to CCW growers to ask questions directly.

Accolade Wines Chief Supply Officer Joe Russo is working hard to inform growers about the proposal and answer questions directly.

“This is our final proposal to growers on a modernised supply agreement between us and CCW. It includes a voluntary buy-out which we know some growers are seeking”.

“I urge growers to familiarise themselves with the proposal via the website and submit any questions they may have”.

For the significant Punjabi grower community, Accolade Wines has also translated the website to make it as easy as possible to read and absorb.

Russo said, “the website’s Frequently Asked Questions page is being regularly updated, with the full range of questions and answers available on the site”.

Here is a small selection of the questions received and their answers:

Are there any other options?

We have listened to feedback from CCW growers and have worked hard to design a package that helps the industry make a difficult structural change, while being voluntary, providing compensation for those comfortable to reduce contracted volumes and flexibility for them to remain in the industry if they wish.

This package is the only offer on the table that enables us as an industry to work together to maintain control of our future.

It is very unlikely that any realistic alternative offers will emerge in time to allow all of us to make this transition in a controlled or orderly manner.

What is wrong with the current contract?

The current agreement is between Accolade Wines and CCW. It is evergreen and requires Accolade to accept every berry produced by CCW growers, regardless of market demand for those grapes.

Such an arrangement is no longer fit-for-purpose and is totally unsustainable in a highly competitive and challenging global environment. We need to move to a new agreement that will provide certainty for the longer term combined with the ability to respond to changes in consumer demand.

The new agreement will also be industry standard and Code of Conduct compliant which will allow for less ambiguity in interpreting the agreement between Accolade and CCW moving forward.

Is Accolade trying to split off a group of the largest 100 growers from CCW, as claimed in the media recently?

Absolutely not. Accolade’s contract is with CCW and we are engaging with CCW in good faith to refresh the contract so it reflects the current market realities and provides certainty for Accolade, for CCW and for CCW growers.

For further information contact:

Adam Bell, 0481 476 521 or